Fitness Tips


Proper preparation for a fitness program is essential in order to achieve the best results. The following tips will help you when starting a new fitness program, and help you to stay consistent with it over the long term…

Start Where You Are | Tips For Beginning Your Fitness Program

The FIRST step in an effective fitness plan is to set some goals. Be clear, specific, and detailed about your goals.

Goalsetting | Establishing Fitness Goals

Metabolic Training is the ultimate fusion of anaerobic strength and aerobic cardio exercise and adds a new twist to classic routines of the past...  

Metabolic Training | The Ultimate Training Method   

Let's examine what intensity is and why muscle confusion is so effective and popular...  

High Intensity Training And Muscle Confusion | The Premise of RHF

You log hundreds of hours in the gym, following a "traditional" routine that alternates between strength and cardio, but you still are unable to achieve the kind of definition you see in the magazines. It's time to learn the new rules of fitness...     

The New Rules Of Fitness | Why Working Out Less Is More

Many people, especially as they age, lose faith in their ability to burn off fat effectively and to get (or stay) in shape. This has everything to do with the how…

Metabolic Mayhem | The Fat Burning, Youth Enhancing Advantage

So, if you want to maximize results in the shortest period of time, density training is a great method - especially when your goal is building a lean, sexy physique that performs at the highest level...

Density Training | A Method Behind The Madness At RHF 

Setting goals can be a very up and down process for most people and without systems in place it can drive you crazy...Let me explain... 

Mindset | Are You The Tortoise Or The Hare?