Mindset I The World Is Your Gym…
The World Is Your Gym... Learn some tips to stay on track
Life taking over and edging out your good intentions to stay fit?
90% of the time I’ll use encouragement. Sometimes (10%) you gotta get smacked upside the head…
You make (create) time rather than find it. Time is never the problem. It is your priorities. Take a look at your phone screen time to start. Decide that your body, health, and life are worth regularly scheduling exercise.
5 tips:
Embrace the dawn. Get up earlier. Thomas Jefferson said: “the sun has not caught me in bed in 50 years. Once you earn control over your life you can move to another time (3p seems to be the zone for most)
Become a fitness opportunist. Take the stairs. Park far away. Sprint for a few seconds. Bike. Do body squats while waiting. Do walk and talk meetings. This is called incidental work.
Chunk your workouts into short manageable ones. It all adds up.
Use your lunch break for some bootcamp. This will energize you in time. You can even use an app here.
Turn study time into workout time. Listen to lectures while you move.
Key addition…
Never compromise on rejuvenation. Proper rest is vital. A revitalized body crushes tasks. Create the will for the way.
The world is your gym…go earn everything