Mindset I 20 Hacks To Hold You ACCOUNTABLE To Your Fitness Plan...

1. Sign up for a competition/race

2. Put money on the line (see online betting sites like Dietbet, Pact app, or Healthy Wage)

3. Bet other things like housework or movie tickets

4. Share your success socially 

5. Make a video diary

6. Make your own rewards program for hitting your targets or join a facility/studio that offers rewards for attendance (sweat rebates)

7. Visualization and stillness (at least 5 min a day)

8. Take photos to track progress (once a week probably on Friday after all that hard work)

9. Do it to raise money for charity (if you lose a bet maybe donate to a charity you are not fond of…that will certainly motivate you)

10. Complete programs (longer term) vs go to a class

11. Sleep in your workout clothes for am workout (ha!)

12. Shut down electronics during your sweat session (maybe other than music…music is a good motivator for movement)

13. Use a fitness tracker app or site (logs exercise and food intake) that lets others see your progress

14. Vent in a journal about your feelings 

15. Sign a contract: write out workouts, seek end goals, tie rewards in 

16. Hire a trainer (duh)

17. Find a burn buddy for sure accountability

18. Set some of your own simple fitness rules that you can effectively use like "I will attend 3 times a week for 40 minutes and stick to full body workouts that allow me to maximize my energy and keep me in balance"

19. Set up a simple home gym just to have ready in case you miss a class due to scheduling  

20. Buy some new workout clothes. Look good, feel good (enclothed cognition)

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