Optimal Ice Athletes Journal
Quick Links:
Nutrition: Pre-Workout Snack Guidelines — Rock Hard Fitness
Nutrition: 7 Key Workout Foods: Get The Most Out Of Your Workout... — Rock Hard Fitness
Nutrition: Super-Hydrate Your System — Rock Hard Fitness
Rock Hard Fitness — Secure(Synchronized Recovery)
Training I Sprain vs. Strain and How to Treat Them Both... — Rock Hard Fitness
Training | Preventing Overtraining - When Less Is More — Rock Hard Fitness
Training | Preventing Injuries — Rock Hard Fitness
Mindset | Are You The Tortoise Or The Hare? — Rock Hard Fitness
Mindset | Establishing Fitness Goals — Rock Hard Fitness
Training | High Intensity Training And Muscle Confusion: The Premise of RHF — Rock Hard Fitness
Mindset I Gym Bag Checklist... — Rock Hard Fitness
Mindset I Regenerate Yourself This Holiday Season... — Rock Hard Fitness
Week 1: 6 skaters
We had a great first week! 6 skaters (2 goalies). These kids soaked it up. We had 4 that drove in from Soldotna! They definitely had fun and stayed moving for most of the skate and we followed that up with 45 minutes of agility and conditioning. We grind again tomorrow at high noon!
Week 2: 6 skaters
Same 6. Prep work for Termination Dust tourney (4 played in championship). High energy and noticeable jump from week 1
Week 3: 7 skaters
Added a player so we ran with 7. Maintaining high energy for over an hour is hard to do, but if you find the group energy cross sections (work to rest ratios) it flows effortlessly. Their basketball game needs real work.
Week 4: 10 skaters
The energy seems to be climbing. This was definitely the best overall skate with amazing flow all throughout. These youngsters are growing on me!
Week 5: 10 skatersWeek 5 eclipse week 4 with some added tough and grinding play that showed up in the scrimmage. Right on the line, but not over it would sum it up. Most of these cats are friends and the ones that didn’t sign up as part of a group surely are finding a way to fit in with the others. I am pleased with the first month with 39 total attendees. They seemed to be thinking more about the importance of a holistic approach and the consistency needed to gain good momentum.
Week 6: 9 skatersThe energy continues. The Wolfpack played loose today with quite a bit of showing off. I got wowed around 10 times during the scrimmage. I can tell they feel comfortable enough to work their creative brains within a set of parameters. I never mentioned the “Lemon/Orange” breakaway contest; single elimination for players, the last player standing takes on the goalie, loser eats the lemon and the winner gets the orange. We followed up some light agility work and some football fun.
Week 7: 7 skaters
Had to pivot a little this week due to to an added same day game schedule for a few. Those that attended did a great job and responded well in all the drills. If I can just keep their full attention while I’m trying to explain the deep intention of the drills. Added push-ups seem to help. There was a noticeable difference in nutritional preparation for a few which is great to see. This more often than not directly translates to performance. We dabbled in some agility work, band work (for some), and let them play a game called VolleySoccer!
The state of Alaska hockey and its needs...Develop the whole athlete.
Optimal Ice Athletes catch up and recap...
His name is Hammer...Jack Hammer
Hockey is a special game that touches people's lives in ways that are hard to describe...
If you are interested in a very specific, high quality hockey training experience during Christmas break - look no further.